RX-5 Stock Mazda Electrical Manual


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The Information and descriptions described herein are the property of MK Sportscars. Such descriptions and information may not be copied or reproduced (duplicated) by any means (in any form) or disseminated or distributed without the express prior written permission (consent) of MK Sportscars. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. MK Sportscars assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

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This document contains propriety information, which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced by any means, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of MK Sportscars.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Troubleshooting


 1. Introduction

MK Sportscars has produced thousands of cars since the company launched the MK Indy in 2000. We are constantly striving to improve our cars and options list available to further enhance the affordability and desire of the car our main goal driver behind the RX-5 project. The enjoyment of the car should be in its actual construction, This Build manual has been produced to assist with this part of the project. The purpose of building a MK RX-5 140 is to realise a car that will suit the purpose for which it is intended. If this is a Road car or Track-based car, we have many thousands of satisfied owners in all categories both here and overseas who have had the enjoyment of building a MK. MK Sportscars will continue to offer the support to help deliver to you the means and advice of building a car, simply and quickly, with minimum complication and a maximum amount of fun. This manual is for the guidance of building the MK Indy and should also be used alongside the current IVA manual if you are looking at building a road registered car. If at any stage of the build you are unsure, please contact MK Sportscars for guidance or seek professional mechanical knowledge from a reputable and qualified company or individual. MK Sportscars hope you enjoy the experience. 

1.1 Manual Conventions


Appendix A.  Troubleshooting

A.1.    Temperature Gauge Not Working

The Mazda 1.8 mk2 has a temperature sender on the thermostat housing. There are 3 wires. 

 Wire Colour Usage
Red / Black +5v
Red / Blue Earth
Purple / white Temp Gauge


To test the gauge, short the purple / white wire to earth with the ignition on (you may need a bent paperclip) and the gauge should read hot. If not, there is a problem with the wire from the sender to the dashboard. 
The dashboard wire is connected on the plug above temperature gauge (it’s the further left plug when viewed from the rear of the binnacle). The purple / white wire is the further right hand wire. Make sure the tracks of the circuit board are not broken between the following links 

If the gauge is working when you short it to earth, the problem is the sender. Order a new sender from your local motor spares store.